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Do you want to be a DJ


Do you want to be a presenter?

To become a presenter all you need is a computer and a decent USB Microphone (£25) Runnradio has a virtual studio that presenters can use giving you the versatility of doing a proper live show from your home! Full training will be given.  It is really very straightforward and people with no experience have had few issues.  If you use a music interface such as ID4 or Scarlet you can […]

todayApril 11, 2021 1197 21 22


Top Tips on Being a Presenter!

In principle, radio presenting seems relatively simple. All you have to do is talk so how difficult can it be?! Well there is a lot more to it than initially meets the eye and far more to it than most listeners appreciate. The ultimate challenge for all radio presenters is to make more people listen to you for longer. You will not achieve this if you talk about the first […]

todayFebruary 19, 2021 349 3 4
