I am going to be on air for 24 hours all in support of the Stroke Association. My father suffered 2 strokes that should have killed him but he luckily is still here albeit with severe sight loss and low mental capacity. The Stroke Association are very close to my heart as they helped him through his rehabilitation and do so much for not only the person affected but also the families of those who have suffered from this terrible, sudden illness. I have held 2 fundraisers in SEA LIFE London Aquarium, did a zipline over the Oval and walked from Trafalgar Square to Chelmsford in a day all for this amazing charity so I really wanted to do a new challenge
I am hoping to raise £500 for this amazing charity and will be broadcasting from 12pm Friday 5th November until 12pm 6th November 2021 in a marathon DJ session on RunnRadio.com. I will also be streaming live on TikTok so you can tune in and check on me from time to time ? TikTok user: SpankSinatra85. You can also listen via Alexa just say LAUNCH RUNN RADIO!
You can help me reach these total, and hopefully surpass it, by donating here: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/24hourdjrunnradio